Meet Katie

I love people!  Perhaps this is the underlying reason that I am a teacher.  I want to share all of the wonder of music with those who love it also.  I hope that my years of experience will benefit the children and adults who have not had the opportunities that I have had.  Music is universal, no matter the language used.  Any time that I am able to provide someone with some ability to share natural talent, I feel extremely satisfied and accomplished!

Because I spent most of my pre-adult life within a faith community, I learned that to help others is our primary responsibility in this life.  We are meant to use our particular skill-sets to further the cause of lifting up humanity so that we all may achieve our best and highest goals.

I believe in giving students every opportunity (even if it means thinking “outside the box”) to push themselves to do  the things that they would normally be avoiding based on fear. Singing is a very vulnerable thing! Successful singing is 90% courage. If someone has the courage to step through the door and ask for singing lessons, then it’s up to me to nurture and build on that.

Everyone should have the opportunity to experience joy and self-discovery through musical expression.  And when a teacher and student are equally committed to vocal training, the possibilities are limitless.

My goal is to guide singers of any age and background to learn how to strengthen and utilize foundational singing skills to the best of their abilities, whether it means over-coming stage fright, joining a collaborative music effort (i.e. a rock band or an a cappella group), learning music as a language, preparing for college auditions, and/or developing a career in music.